Cooked or raw, garlic plays an important role in preventing and fighting cold during winter. Whether you’re feeling those familiar cold symptoms approaching or simply preventing them, remember the health benefits this vegetable can offer!
If you already caught cold, chewing a small clove of garlic 3 times a day is enough to enhance your immunity and make you feel better because of its richness in vitamin C. To improve your immunity against colds, consider consuming garlic on a regular basis. You can mix crushed garlic with honey, lemon slices and ginger and add them to your tea!
Garlic is a store house for antibiotics and antiviral substances. The most important antibacterial present in this vegetable is called allicin. However, this substance is only released after the garlic is crushed. So make sure you consume chopped/crushed garlic on a daily basis even if it sounds like the toughest method of all.
Taking 2 or 3 cloves of garlic per day can help relieve your stuffed nose during a cold. If you can’t bare eating it raw, you can grill a whole garlic with Optigrill+ and add it to your garlic soup. Make sure to consume the soup while hot to take advantage of all the benefits and heal the cold.
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