Discover these special fajita burger tips and tricks for perfects results to dazzle your guests with mouthwatering flavors over lunch or dinner
May 24, 2018
Go beyond the basic burger the next time you’re hosting a barbecue. One of the most popular variations of that delicious fast food is the Fajita burger with hence on all the juiciness and beautiful colors. Thus, follow that trinity of tips and tricks that could guarantee you the tastiest and juiciest Fajita burger. Your family and guests won’t get enough!
Instead of going for the usual plain meat mixture, have fun and add chopped vegetables to your patties. You can go as little as adding red and white onions, or as far as bell peppers, cabbage and mushrooms; your choices of variations are endless! This could also be a perfect way to sneak in some vegetables that your kids won’t notice.
Prepare your beef patty as usual and season it with salt and pepper. If you’re lucky and have some fajitas spices at reach, add some to the beef and mix well until combined. If you don’t, there’s no need to worry! Make your own blend by mixing some chili powder, cumin, minced garlic, onion powder and salt. Now you get to have the best of both worlds. Burgers and Fajitas flavors!
From creamy guacamole sauce to spicy mayonnaise or sour cream, your topping sauce options are endless! For and an extra kick of flavors, enhance your regular topping with some fajitas spices. You can also save some of the spices and add it to your topping veggies such as onion rings, bell pepper slices.
Now that your burger condiments are ready, you can start grilling! You can an electric grill such as Tefal Optigrill+ Grill for more convenience. Grill your patty and seasoned vegetables, combine the whole in addition to the topping sauce and cheese slice between buns, then serve! Happy Grilling!
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